Customize Email Templates

JumpCloud sends emails to end-users to let them know when they need to change their password or when they've been locked out of their accounts after failed login attempts. You can customize these emails so that they look and sound more like your org. When you customize an email template in the Admin Portal, each email you send to users includes the content you customized.


  • This feature is disabled for all new organizations by default. It has to be enabled for your account in order to be able to customize the emails you send to your users.
    • Please reach out to either your Account Manager, or Customer Success Manager to have this enabled for your org.


  • If the feature is not currently enabled for your organization, but you have previously customized email(s),you  will see these templates in a read-only state under Settings > Customize Email in Admin Portal. Emails will continue to be sent to users with the existing customized content as displayed under the Settings > Customize Email page. Templates may be reverted to the JumpCloud default content at any time.

This feature is only available to paid customers. Free customers that have previously customized emails will see their templates in a read-only state under Settings > Customize Email in their Admin Portal. Emails will continue to be sent to users with the existing customized content as displayed under the Settings > Customize Email page. Templates may be reverted to the JumpCloud default content at any time. 

Customizing Email Templates for Your Org


  • There is a maximum of 500 characters allowed in each field. If you have previously created a custom email with more than 500 characters, you will still have access to it, but you won't be able to add any additional characters. You will be able to edit the character count to be 500 or less.
  • Non-Western characters are supported.
  • HTML is not supported.

You can customize the following email templates for your org: 

  • Lockout Notice - Tells users when they're locked out of their account after multiple failed login attempts.
  • Password Expiration - Tells users that their password has expired and needs to be reset. 
  • Password Expiration Warning - Encourages users to reset their password before its quickly approaching expiration date.
  • Password Reset Confirmation - Confirms a recent password change.
  • Password Reset - Asks new users to activate their account or reset their password.
  • Activation Email - Provides users with a token (link) to set their own initial password.
  • Welcome Email - Google Workspace
  • Welcome Email - M365/Azure AD

You can customize content in the following Email Content fields: 

  • Subject - Content for the email’s subject line.
  • Title - Content for the email’s title that appears at the top of the email.
  • Header - Content for the email’s header that appears after the title and before the message content. 
  • Message - Content for the email’s message. 
  • Button Call to Action - Content for a button in the email message that calls for users to take an action, such as reset their password. 
  • Footer - Content for the email’s footer that appears below the message content.

To customize an email template for your organization:

  1. Log in to the JumpCloud Admin Portal.
  2. Click your initials in the right menu.
  3. Select Administrators.
  4. Select the Customize Email tab.
    • You can also access these tabs by going to Settings.
  5.  Select the Email Template you want to customize.
  6. Adjust the email content as needed. Use tokens to include content specific to your org, such as different email addresses, usernames, and contact names. Each template includes different editable fields. 

Note: Each customized email has a JumpCloud Required field generated by JumpCloud, to verify the contents of the email being sent. This field is not editable.

  1. As you edit fields, view the email's content in the Template Preview. 
  2. If you add more than 500 characters to a field, you will receive an error message to reduce the character count.
  3. Click save changes. The changes take effect immediately for all new emails sent by the template.

Tip: Click 'Reset to Default Content' to clear any changes you've made and to return to the template's original content.

Customizing New User Welcome Emails

You can customize the following new user welcome emails:

  • Activation Email
  • Welcome Email - Google Workspace
  • Welcome Email - M365/Azure AD

If an email is not customized, it can be sent generically. New tokens are created as needed.

Note: When adding users via an Active Directory Sync or the API, a welcome email is sent to users, but that email is not customizable.

Using Tokens in Email Templates

Tokens are variables that are replaced with attributes for your org or your JumpCloud managed users. You can add tokens to email templates to include content that's specific to your org and its users. 


  • Tokens have to be included exactly as they appear in the following list or they appear as plain text in emails. 
  • If you mistype a token, it appears as plain text in the Template Preview. Valid tokens appear as links.
  • If a token attribute isn't defined for your organization, the token appears as blank space in the email. 

You can include the following tokens in your email templates:

This token is populated by your org's contact name and contact email and shows the contact name with a mailto link to the contact email. If you don't have both the contact name and contact email defined for your org, this token appears as a blank space in the email. You can update these under Settings, see Admin Portal General Settings to learn more. 

This token is populated by your org's contact email. If you don't have a contact email defined for your org, this token appears as a blank space in the email. You can update your org's contact email under Settings, see Admin Portal General Settings to learn more. 

This token is populated by your org's contact name. If you don't have a contact name defined for your org, this token appears as a blank space in the email. You can update your org's contact name under Settings, see Admin Portal General Settings to learn more. 

This token is populated with a password's expiration date and is only available for the Password Expiration Warning template. 

This token is populated by the receiving user's first name. If you don't have a first name defined for the user, this token appears as a blank space in the email.

This token identifies the source of the last login failure that triggered the Lockout Email. This is either the System Display Name of the user’s managed device, or User Portal.

This token is populated by your org's name. If you don't have a name defined for your org, this token appears as a blank space in the email. You can update your org's name under Settings, see Admin Portal General Settings to learn more. 

This token is populated by the receiving user's email. This field is required, so it should always show in emails. 

This token is populated by the receiving user's JumpCloud username. This field is required, so it should always show in emails. 

This token is populated by the user's Company email. It is a required field, so it should always display. This token is only available for the Activation Email template.

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