Understand the JumpCloud Agent

After you install the JumpCloud agent on users’ local machines, you can manage access to the device and more:

  • Add, modify, and delete local user accounts
  • Run commands
  • (Linux only) Enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) via SSH with username and password
  • (Mac and Linux only) Create and manage local system groups and members
  • (Mac only) Manage FileVault access

Understanding the Architecture

The JumpCloud agent is written in Go (with a bit of C++ in Windows). The memory footprint is approximately 5-7MB of RAM and runs as a compiled native binary.

The agent contacts JumpCloud's servers (see Agent Compatibility, System Requirements, and Impacts for a list of endpoints) using a long HTTPS poll in near real-time, but could take longer in some instances. If work is available, the agent downloads and executes the work request.

Understanding the Connect Key

The Connect Key is located in the Admin Portal and provides a way to associate devices with your JumpCloud organization. 

Find your Connect Key when you add a device under DEVICE MANAGEMENT > Devices in the Admin Portal.


Although each admin has a unique Connect Key, the keys aren’t considered a secret and any key can be used to connect the agent to a device.

Locating the Log Files

JumpCloud agent log files are located here:

  • Linux, Mac: /var/log/jcagent.log
  • Windows: C:\Windows\Temp\jcagent.log

Understanding Updates

Updates are pushed to devices with an active agent. If the device is not active during the update cycle, the update will be queued and pushed to the device the next time it is active. The agent may not receive the update if a condition exists which causes the update to fail multiple times, in which case manual intervention may be required.

An update can be executed manually by running the agent installation as normal. The agent version files are located here:

  • Linux, Mac: /opt/jc/version.txt
  • Windows: C:\Program Files\JumpCloud\Plugins\Contrib\version.txt
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