
JumpCloud Agent Compatibility, System Requirements, and Impacts

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JumpCloud Agent Compatibility, System Requirements, and Impacts
This article includes details about OS compatibility, installation requirements, and changes made to your device during installation of JumpCloud’s agent. Use this information to perform these tasks:
  • Make sure you’re using a supported OS before you install the agent.
  • Find the files and directories used during installation to troubleshoot issues.
  • Verify files and directories are installed correctly before you contact Support.

You can review our prospective end of support timelines in Prepare Now for End of Support.

This article covers these installation specifications:

Note: JumpCloud supports iOS devices, such as iPhones, iPads, and Apple TVs, but the JumpCloud agent is not installed on those devices. For more information, see Enrolling iOS Devices in MDM.

Supported MacOS Versions:
  • Big Sur 11.x 
  • Monterey 12.x 
  • Ventura 13.x
  • Intel and Apple Silicon devices are supported.
  • For Macs running macOS Monterey and later, the JumpCloud Agent requires Full Disk Access permission to enable communication with the authentication controls on the device. See Granting Full Disk Access Permissions to the JumpCloud Agent for MacOS.
  • Pre-release or Release Candidate (RC) versions of OS releases are not supported.
  • If the JumpCloud agent is installed on an unsupported version, JumpCloud neither ensures nor provides guarantees full or even partial functionality of device management. Furthermore, functionality may or may not work as intended and may be hindered based on future product releases:
    • As of December 15, 2021, we will no longer support the JumpCloud agent on macOS Mojave 10.14.
    • As of November 30, 2020, we don't support the JumpCloud agent on macOS High Sierra 10.13.
    • As of June 30, 2020, we don't support the JumpCloud agent on Debian 8 systems.
    • As of April 14, 2020, we don't support the JumpCloud agent on macOS Sierra 10.12.  
Note: If an unsupported device is assigned to the JumpCloud MDM server in Apple Business Manager (ABM), it will attempt to install the agent which will generate an error and cause the device to hang at the install screen. The device will need to have the JumpCloud MDM server unassigned in ABM. This can be done by removing the JumpCloud MDM server from the Default Device Assignment under Device Management Settings or by changing the Device Management settings for the individual device.

Warning: Do NOT release the device from ABM. Devices released from ABM will need to be re-enrolled using Apple Configurator for iOS. See the
Apple Configurator User Guide.

MacOS Installation Requirements
Available Disk Space177 MB minimum
Available Memory5 MB minimum

Changes Made to Your MacOS Device During Installation
Installation Files, Directories, or Settings  Locations and Details
Installer Filenamejumpcloud-agent.pkg
Launch Daemoncom.jumpcloud.darwin-agent
Primary Installation Directory/opt/jc/
Installation and Service Log Directory/var/log/jc*.log

You can download the most recent 1 MB of logs for a device from the System Details panel by clicking Get system logs. Logs are only available for online devices.
JumpCloud Menu Bar App Tray Log Directory~/Library/Logs/JumpCloud
Device TrustThe jumpcloud-user-agent application handles actions that must be performed in a user’s context:
  • App location -  /opt/jc_user_ro/jumpcloud-user-agent
  • Log file -  /Users/<username>/Library/Logs/JumpCloud/jc-user-agent.log

The log file is present for every user on the device, whether or not the user is managed by JumpCloud, because the user-agent runs for each logged-in user. However, the agent will only install and manage certificates for managed users.

User-agent Management

To ensure that the JumpCloud user-agent is started when the user logs in and is restarted automatically, the agent installer places a properties list file here:

Certificate Management

When the JumpCloud user-agent requests new Device Trust certificates for the user, it creates a new MacOS keychain:


It stores the password to unlock this keychain in the user’s login keychain in this item: JumpCloud Device Trust Keychain Password.

The user-agent imports the Device Trust certificates and private key into this new keychain.

Certificate Auto-Selection for SafariSafari looks for identity preference settings in the user’s login keychain to automatically select certificates. The user-agent creates identity preferences in the keychain to associate the Device Trust certificate with two JumpCloud URLs:
Certificate Auto-Selection for ChromeOn MacOS, Chrome uses a properties list (plist) file to configure certificate auto-selection filters. The user agent will update the user’s current ‘Library/Preferences/’ file if it’s present or create a new file if it's not.

The auto-selection filters allow Chrome to find a certificate in the keychain to apply to a given URL. The selection filters will match a cert with a Subject Organizational Unit (SUBJECT:OU) of JumpCloud Device Trust to two JumpCloud URLs:

Custom Login Window/Library/Preferences/
TOTP Key FilesWhen enabled, key files are stored on a per user basis in this directory at this path:

JumpCloud manages this based on users having uploaded  public keys to JumpCloud.
JumpCloud-managed Sudo Users

JumpCloud enables sudo users by adding those users to:


All JumpCloud-managed users will be added to the path. However, non-privileged users will contain a configuration file that explicitly denies sudo privileges.

System Insights OS Query/opt/jc/bin/jcosqueryi

Note: OS query is only installed when System Insights is enabled.

Additional MacOS Considerations:  


Supported Windows Versions:
  • 10 (64 bit)
  • 11
  • Server: 2012 R2
  • Server: 2016 (64 bit)
  • Server: 2019
  • Server: 2022
  • If the JumpCloud agent is installed on an unsupported version, JumpCloud neither ensures nor provides guarantees full or even partial functionality of device management. Furthermore, functionality may or may not work as intended and may be hindered based on future product releases:
    • As of February 18, 2022, JumpCloud no longer supports Windows 8.1.
    • Beginning on May 11, 2021, we only support Windows 10 build 1909 and above. Learn more: Windows 10 Release Information.
    • As of June 30, 2020, we don't support the JumpCloud agent on 32-bit devices.
    • As of June 30, 2020, we don't support the JumpCloud agent on Windows 8.
    • As of April 14, 2020, we don't support the JumpCloud agent on Windows 7 or Windows 2008 + R2.
  • International versions of Windows are supported. However, certain international character sets may cause the following issues:
    • Cosmetic issues in the Devices detail views
    • Adverse results in Command execution in the Admin portal
    • Non-English locales aren't supported by JumpCloud policies
  • Home versions of Windows are supported in the following ways:
    • The JumpCloud agent can be installed
    • Conditional access is supported
    • JumpCloud policies and security commands are currently unsupported
  • Enhanced Security Configuration on Windows Server 2019 blocks our ability to auto-select the certificate in Internet Explorer and certain versions of Edge; disable Enhanced Security Configuration for users so that they aren't prompted when accessing JumpCloud-managed resources.
  • Release Candidate (RC) versions of O/S releases are not supported.
  • The JumpCloud agent is not compatible with Duo System Agent Authentication for Windows. 
  • The JumpCloud agent does not support Windows ARM devices. 
  • Using JumpCloud with Windows AWS Workspaces:

Important: PowerShell is required for Windows agent functionality.

Windows Installation Requirements

Disk Usage166 MB minimum
This includes C++ runtime components
Memory Usage6 MB minimum
C++ RuntimesMS Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable package (x86_64)

Changes Made to Your Windows Device During Installation
Installation Files, Directories, or Settings
Locations and Details                             
Installer FilenameJumpCloudInstaller.exe
Primary Location of JumpCloud AgentFor 64-bit: C:\Program Files\JumpCloud
For 32-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\JumpCloud
Service Log DirectoryC:\Windows\Temp\jcagent.log

You can download the most recent 1 MB of logs for a device from the System Details panel by clicking Get system logs. Logs are only available for online devices.
Installation Log DirectoryC:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\jcagent.log
The log file lives in the directory for the admin user who installs the agent.
Device Trust
The jumpcloud-user-agent application handles actions that must be performed in a user’s context:
  • App location - C:\Program Files\JumpCloud\jumpcloud-user-agent\jumpcloud-user-agent.exe
  • Log file -  C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\jc-user-agent.log
Certificate ManagementThe agent and user-agent import certificates into Windows Certificate Stores:
  • The agent imports the root certificate into the System Certificate Store. This action requires administrative privileges, which is why the agent performs this import.
  • The user-agent imports the intermediate certificate into the user’s Intermediate Certificate Store.
  • The user-agent imports the leaf cert and private key into the user’s Personal Certificate Store.
Certificate Auto-Selection for Chrome and Edge

To support certificate auto-selection in Chrome and Edge, the agent creates the following registry keys:


The agent adds an entry for the ‘’ URL if it doesn't exist.

Registry Keys AddedHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JumpCloud\JumpCloud agent\ConfigFile
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion \Uninstall\{96542816-DAD1-4D02-8363-CA4121E5CAE7}_is1
System Insights OS QueryC:\Program Files\JumpCloud\jcosqueryi.exe
Additional Windows Considerations
  • After you create a JumpCloud account for a user and the account is active, you can associate the user with a JumpCloud-managed Windows device. When you bind a user to a device, we add the user’s account to the following local groups:
    • Standard User Windows Local Groups (for user accounts with no local administrator permissions):
      • Users
      • Remote Desktop Users
    • Administrator User Windows Local Groups (for user accounts with local administrator permissions):
      • Administrators
      • Users
      • Remote Desktop Users
    • If you manually remove a user account from one of these groups, the agent on the Windows device restores these associations when you save any changes in the Administrator Portal.
  • Windows Live! isn’t supported. See (Windows) How does JumpCloud Work With Windows Live Accounts.
  • See JumpCloud agent Port Requirements.
  • See Adding the JumpCloud agent to an allow list.


Core packages are central to the running of a Linux distribution because they contain files for functionality, such as connecting to the Internet, managing and repairing file systems, and the system setup process (e.g. openssh). The packages you’re required to install for the JumpCloud agent to work varies by OS version and are listed in the following table.  

  • Release Candidate (RC) versions of O/S releases aren't supported.
  • If the JumpCloud agent is installed on an unsupported version, JumpCloud neither ensures nor provides guarantees full or even partial functionality of device management. Furthermore, functionality may or may not work as intended and may be hindered based on future product releases:
    • As of December 2022, we don't support the JumpCloud agent on the following systems:
      • CentOS 8
      • Fedora 35
    • As of September 2022, we don't support the JumpCloud agent on the following systems:
      • Debian 9
      • Fedora 34
      • Mint 18
      • Ubuntu 21.04
    • As of August 8, 2022, we don't support the JumpCloud agent on Amazon Linux 2013 - 2018.
    • As of April 30, 2021, we don't support the JumpCloud agent on Ubuntu 16.04.
    • As of November 30, 2020, we don't support the JumpCloud agent on the following systems:
      • CentOS 6
      • RHEL 6
      • Ubuntu 19.04
    • As of June 30, 2020, we don't support the JumpCloud agent on Debian 8 systems.
Supported Linux Versions
  OS  Requirements

Amazon Linux (amd64, arm64): 2, 2022

The following core packages must be installed:

  • chkconfig
  • coreutils
  • curl
  • dmidecode
  • glibc-common
  • grep
  • initscripts
  • lsof
  • net-tools
  • nss
  • nss-tools
  • openssl
  • psmisc
  • redhat-lsb-core
  • rpm
  • shadow-utils
  • sudo
  • tar
  • util-linux
  • yum
CentOS (amd64): 7

The following core packages must be installed:

  • chkconfig
  • coreutils
  • curl
  • dnf
  • findutils
  • gawk
  • glibc-common
  • grep
  • initscripts
  • lsof
  • net-tools
  • nss
  • nss-tools
  • openssl
  • policycoreutils
  • psmisc
  • redhat-lsb-core
  • rpm
  • shadow-utils
  • sudo
  • tar
  • util-linux
  • which
  • yum

Debian (amd64): 10 
Debian (amd64, arm64): 11

The following core packages must be installed:

  • apt-rdepends
  • apt-show-versions
  • coreutils
  • curl
  • dpkg
  • grep
  • hostname
  • libc-bin
  • libnss3 
  • libnss3-tools
  • libpam-runtime
  • libpam-modules
  • lsb-release
  • lsof
  • mawk
  • openssl
  • passwd
  • procps
  • psmisc
  • sudo
  • sysv-rc
  • sysvinit-utils
  • tar

Fedora (amd64): 36, 37

The following core packages must be installed:

  • chkconfig
  • coreutils
  • curl
  • dnf
  • findutils
  • gawk
  • glibc-common
  • grep
  • initscripts
  • lsof
  • net-tools
  • nss
  • nss-tools
  • openssl
  • policycoreutils
  • psmisc
  • redhat-lsb-core
  • rpm
  • rsyslog
  • shadow-utils
  • sudo
  • tar
  • util-linux
  • which
  • yum
Linux Mint (Cinnamon) (amd64): 19, 20, 21

The following core packages must be installed:

  • apt-rdepends
  • apt-show-versions
  • coreutils
  • curl
  • dpkg
  • grep
  • hostname
  • libc-bin
  • libnss3 
  • libnss3-tools
  • lsb-release
  • lsof
  • mawk
  • openssl
  • passwd
  • procps
  • sudo
  • sysvinit-utils
  • tar
Pop!_OS (amd64): 22.04The following core packages must be installed:
  • apt-rdepends
  • apt-show-versions
  • coreutils
  • curl
  • dpkg
  • grep
  • hostname
  • libc-bin
  • libnss3-tools
  • lsb-release
  • lsof
  • mawk
  • passwd
  • procps
  • sudo
  • sysvinit-utils
  • tar

RHEL (amd64): 7, 8
RHEL (amd64, arm64): 9

The following core packages must be installed:

  • chkconfig
  • coreutils
  • curl
  • dnf
  • findutils
  • gawk
  • glibc-common
  • grep
  • initscripts
  • lsof
  • net-tools
  • nss
  • nss-tools
  • openssl
  • psmisc
  • redhat-lsb-core
  • rpm
  • shadow-utils
  • sudo
  • tar
  • util-linux
  • which
  • yum
Rocky Linux (amd64, arm64): 8, 9The following core packages must be installed:
  • coreutils
  • curl
  • findutils
  • gawk
  • glibc-common
  • grep
  • initscripts
  • lsof
  • net-tools
  • nss-tools
  • policycoreutils
  • psmisc
  • rpm
  • shadow-utils
  • sudo
  • tar
  • util-linux
  • which
  • yum

Ubuntu (amd64, arm64): 18.04, 20.04, 22.04

The following core packages must be installed:

  • apt-rdepends
  • apt-show-versions
  • coreutils
  • apt-curl
  • dpkg
  • grep
  • hostname
  • libc-bin
  • libnss3 
  • libnss3-tools
  • lsb-release
  • lsof
  • mawk
  • openssl
  • passwd
  • procps
  • sysvinit-utils
  • sudo
  • tar

    Linux Installation Requirements
    Disk Usage  21 MB minimum
    Memory Usage  5 MB minimum

    Changes Made to Your Linux Device During Installation
    Installation Files, Directories, or SettingsLocations and Details
      Installer Filenamejcagent-os-version-arch.pkg
      Installed Servicesjcagent, agent-monitor (init.d systems)
      Primary Installation Directory/opt/jc/
      Service Control Scripts 
    The following script lives on Linux devices that use System V init scripts (RedHat 6, CentOS 6, Amazon, Ubuntu 14).

    All other versions use systemd initialization and will have the following script:
      Google Auth PAM Plugin 
    This is the OS and Arch lib directory, for example: /lib, /lib64, etc. /security/

    The JumpCloud agent adds the following configuration lines to the device's /etc/pam.d/sshd configuration file.
    auth required nullok user=root secret=/etc/ssh/jumpcloud_totp/${USER}
    auth required

    These configuration lines are removed when ssh with MFA is disabled. 
      Installation and Service Logs 

    You can download the most recent 1 MB of logs for a device from the System Details panel by clicking Get system logs. Logs are only available for online systems.

      Enabling Syslog for the Events
      API (logging user events)
    JumpCloud appends a local host address ( when enabling Syslog for the Events API (logging user events). For more information, refer to Introduction to the Directory Insights API.

      sshd Config File 
    Contains one or more of the following parameters: [PermitRootLogin, PasswordAuthentication, UsePAM, PubkeyAuthentication, ChallengeResponseAuthentication]. Other config management systems may cause a conflict if it also tries to manage this file.

      TOTP Key Files 
    When enabled, TOTP key files are stored on a per user basis at this path:

      Sudo Users 

    JumpCloud enables sudo users by adding those users to:


    All JumpCloud-managed users will be added to the path. However, non-privileged users will contain a configuration file that explicitly denies sudo privileges.

      Authorized Keys 
    JumpCloud manages this based on users having uploaded public keys to JumpCloud.

    /root/.ssh/authorized_keys, /home/${USER} .ssh/authorized_keys
      System Insights OS Query 
      Installation Location 
      Device Trust
    The JumpCloud agent handles all Device Trust actions.
      Certificate ManagementThe agent imports the Device Trust certificates into a Network Security Services (NSS) SQLite database (one per managed user). The databases are located in the user’s home directory:
    • Certificate database - /home/username/.pki/nssdb/cert9.db
    • Key database - /home/username/.pki/nssdb/key4.db
     If the databases don't exist, the agent creates them.
      Certificate Auto-selection for
    The agent creates a system-wide policy configuration for Chrome in the file ‘/etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed/JumpCloudCertificateAutoselect.json’.
    This file contains ‘AutoSelectCertificateForUrls’ settings that match the JumpCloud Device Trust certificate to the following JumpCloud URL:

    Additional Linux Considerations
    • For Linux account takeover to complete successfully, the /home/directory must exist for that user.
    • If it’s not already installed by default, an admin will need to install OpenSSH server for the specific case where they intend to require MFA to log in via SSH. If MFA is desired over SSH, ensure openssh-server is installed before installing the agent.
    • JumpCloud Agent Port Requirements
    • JumpCloud Keeps Reverting My Changes to sshd_conf

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