Understand Alerts

The JumpCloud Admin Portal displays configuration alerts in the top, right-hand menu, with the number indicating how many active alerts you have. Configuration alerts notify you of changes related to security, users, and groups so that you can proactively resolve them.

To view a configuration alert:

  1. Log in to the JumpCloud Admin Portal: https://console.jumpcloud.com
  2. Go to the top menu and click Alerts to access your configuration alerts and notifications.
  3. After you dismiss or resolve the alert, the number on the alert icon disappears.

If you're using a macOS device and you dismiss or resolve the notification, the alert also disappears from the system tray.

Security Alert(s)

The following conditions create a Security Alert:

  • File changes – A change to either of these files external to the agent, such as a manual change with useradd (Linux only):
  • /etc/passwd
  • /etc/shadow

Notification: Your /etc/passwd file has changed outside of JumpCloud on system_name.
Action: This alert can be dismissed and may justify further investigation of the change on the system itself.

User Conflict(s)

UID conflict when binding a user

  • Notification: Existing User. “Conflicting UID with user username.”
  • Detail: The user will not be provisioned to the system until the conflict is resolved.
  • Action: Correct the UID in either JumpCloud or the system.
  • Group Conflict(s)

GID conflict binding a user

  • Notification: Existing User. “Conflicting group that has other users assigned to it for GID n.”
  • Detail: The GID assigned to the user in JumpCloud is already assigned to another group of users on the system.
  • Action: The GID discrepancy should be resolved either in the console or the system in order to take over the account. 

GID conflict creating Linux group

  • Notification: “Group groupname wasn’t created. There is already a group on the system with a GID of n.” 
  • Detail: A Group of Users has been created where the GID is the same as a GID that already exists on the system and the group name in the Group of Users does not match the group name on the system.  
  • Action: To manage an existing group on a system, the group name and GID in the Group of Users must match the system. To create a new group, both the group name and the GUID must be unique.
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