Get Started: Remote Assist


JumpCloud Remote Assist is a cloud-based remote screen access and control solution from JumpCloud for IT teams. As an IT Admin with Manager role permissions or higher, you can remotely view and control the end user’s device for troubleshooting, maintenance or training purposes, as well as grant Remote Assist access to Help Desk Admins. 

Remote Assist is automatically installed, deployed, and updated alongside the JumpCloud agent. To use this new feature, end users just need to install the JumpCloud agent and open the Remote Assist application. After you install the JumpCloud agent, the Remote Assist software is normally installed within 20 minutes. Longer install times due to resource conflicts can take up to 60 minutes.

Admins can launch a remote session from the JumpCloud Admin Portal, and there are 3 different Remote Assist connection types to choose from: 

  • Silent Assist (Unattended Access): Admins enable Silent Assist on the end-user's organization, and can initiate a remote session and provide support without the end-user being present. 
  • Live Assist (Consent Prompt): The Remote Assist app is automatically launched and the end-user is prompted to grant permission to allow remote access to their device without the use of a one-time access code. 
  • Live Assist (One-time Access Code): The end-user must manually launch the Remote Assist app on their device and enter a one-time access code to initiate a remote session with the Admin.


  • Copy and Paste Clipboard Synchronization: Copy and paste a maximum of 8MB of text, rich text, and image data from the local Admin's device to the remote end user desktop, and vice versa. 
  • Multi-OS Support: Provide remote assistance to Windows, Mac, and Linux user devices direct from a browser like Chrome, Edge, Safari, and Firefox.
  • Multi-Monitor Support: List all monitors connected to the end user, with the option for the Admin to view one remote monitor at a time and switch between screens using the remote control toolbar in the same session. Remote Assist can currently support up to 6 monitors.
  • Role-Based Access Control: Determine which Admins can access end user devices via the JumpCloud account role-based access controls.
  • Browser-based Admin Interface: Use the web browser directly, without relying on other systems or tools, to efficiently assist end users working from anywhere and at any time.
  • Secure Peer-to-Peer Connection: Fully secured, private sessions are protected by unique session keys, end-to-end encryption, and direct peer-to-peer communications.
  • JumpCloud Agent Deployment: Remote Assist is automatically deployed, installed, and upgraded alongside the JumpCloud agent, ensuring the Remote Assist app is always up-to-date and running the latest version on JumpCloud managed fleets, and to streamline assisting end users when they need help. 
  • Event Logging: Events related to your remote session are stored in the Directory Insights for your review. Events include device details, organization, connection type, rating, feedback, and more.
  • ctrl+alt+del shortcut: Admins can send the ctrl+alt+del command from the Session Options toolbar to facilitate key system interactions such as securely logging in, locking the system, and accessing advanced administrative tasks for efficient troubleshooting.
  • User-Switching (Windows): Admins can seamlessly switch between different user accounts during remote assist sessions on Windows devices.


User switching is only available in Silent Assist mode. Attempting to switch users in other modes will result in session termination.

Known Issues

We've identified an issue on macOS Sonoma 14.1 that can prevent admins from starting Silent Assist sessions when end-users are logged out or have locked their screens. This issue also impacts switching users during these sessions. This issue does not occur in later Sonoma versions, and a resolution to fix the issue for Sonoma 14.1 is in progress.


  • There is an issue with MacOS VMs created using VMWare Fusion that prevents Remote Assist from functioning properly.
  • To establish a Remote Assist session, the end-user must grant permissions for microphone and camera access for the Safari browser only.
  • Remote Assist only supports the English (Qwerty) keyboard for input. Other language keyboards may not work correctly.
  • The Remote Assist Agent does not currently support video streaming from HDR-enabled displays. To effectively use the Remote Assist service, disable HDR video streaming on your device. Remote Assist has HDR disabled by default.
  • Remote Assist does not support Windows User Access Control (UAC) during Live Assist sessions.
  • While using multiple monitors during a Remote Assist session, some functions (like mouse control, drag and drop, Request Control, and others) might not work as expected.


While installing the JumpCloud Remote Assist app, your security software might raise a warning because the app has the ability to capture screen content, even if it's not actively doing so at the moment.


  • The JumpCloud agent must be installed and running on macOS and Windows devices. See Install the Mac Agent and Install the Windows Agent
  • The JumpCloud Remote Assist app must be manually started by the end user to facilitate a session with the JumpCloud Admin Portal.
  • For macOS devices, the JumpCloud Assist app must have Screen Recording and Accessibility permissions before launching the Remote Assist agent and establishing a live session. For more information, see Enable Permissions for Remote Assist on Mac.
  • For Linux devices, you must have display manager software installed on your desktop, such as X11 or X Windows. Without display manager software, the launch button for Remote Assist will not appear. 

Enable Permissions for Remote Assist on Mac

To run JumpCloud Remote Assist on macOS  devices, you must grant the app permissions in your System Settings. Depending on your OS version, you need to enable permissions for Screen Recording, Accessibility, or both. 

Image of macOS System Settings with Privacy and Screen Recording enabling options
See Granting Required Permissions for Remote Assist on macOS Devices, to learn more.

Enable and Disable Remote Assist

If you are an administrator with Manager permissions or higher, you can enable or disable Remote Assist for your organization.

If Remote Assist is enabled:

  • The Remote Assist app is deployed to all supported macOS and Windows devices with the JumpCloud Agent installed.
  • Future releases of the Remote Assist agent will be automatically installed or upgraded on new and existing devices.


For Linux, Remote Assist will be installed on Linux desktop devices that have a display manager, but Linux servers will be excluded.

If Remote Assist is disabled:

  • The Remote Assist agent will be uninstalled from all supported devices upon next device check-in.
  • Future releases of the Remote Assist agent will not be installed on new or existing devices.
  • The option to Launch Remote Assist in the JumpCloud Admin Portal is unavailable.


Note: Device check-ins for Remote Assist occur every few minutes. Check-ins determine whether Remote Assist needs to be installed, upgraded, or uninstalled based on the user’s configuration and current version of Remote Assist.

To enable or disable Remote Assist for your organization

  1. Log in to the JumpCloud Admin Portal:
  2. Ensure you have Manager permissions or higher.
  3. Go to Settings Features > Remote Assist.
  4. Click to toggle the Remote Assist Service to On or Off.
  5. Click Save.

    Image of Features window with Remote Assist feature enabled

  • Remote Assist is enabled by default.
  • If you manually uninstalled the Remote Assist agent but didn’t disable Remote Assist from the Settings, it will automatically reinstall during the next device check-in.
  • The setting you choose for the Remote Assist Service will apply to ALL JumpCloud-managed devices compatible with Remote Assist.
  • Using Remote Assist with a subset of supported devices is not currently supported.
  • Automatic installation
    • If you do not want future releases of the Remote Assist app installed on your devices, you must manually toggle the Remote Assist Service setting to Off or the next version of Remote Assist will be installed/updated on all of your devices.

Enable and Disable Feedback Survey for Remote Assist Sessions

If you are an administrator with Manager permissions or higher, you can enable or disable the feedback survey dialog presented to Admins and users at the end of a Remote Assist session.

To enable or disable the feedback survey for your organization:

  1. Log in to the JumpCloud Admin Portal:
  2. Ensure you have Manager permissions or higher.
  3. Go to Settings Features > Remote Assist.
  4. Click to toggle the Experience Survey to On or Off.
  5. Click Save

  • The Experience Survey is enabled by default.
  • Admins can review the remote session feedback events in Directory Insights.

Enable and Disable Silent Assist (Unattended Access)

If you are an administrator with Manager permissions or higher, you can enable or disable Silent Assist for your organization. Silent Assist (Unattended Access) lets Admins initiate a remote session and provide support without the end user being present.

To enable or disable Silent Assist for your organization: 

  1. Log in to the JumpCloud Admin Portal:
  2. Ensure you have Manager permissions or higher.
  3. Go to Settings > Features > Remote Assist.
  4. Click to toggle the Silent Assist Service to On or Off.
  5. Click Save.

    Image of Features window with Silent Assist highlighted.

Use Remote Assist

Use JumpCloud Silent Assist (Unattended Access) – Admin

  1. Log in to the JumpCloud Admin Portal:
  2. Go to Device Management > Devices and click the Devices tab.
  3. Select the device you want to provide remote assistance for, and click Actions.
  4. Launch Remote Assist.

    Image of Devices page with Launch Remote Assist highlighted


The devices in the device list are managed from the JumpCloud Portal. 

  1. A new tab opens. Select the Silent Assist (Unattended Access) remote assist connection type.
    Image of the Remote Assist popup with Silent Assist selected
  1. Click Start Session. The remote connection to the Admin is established.
  2. After the session is established, the Admin has control over the end user’s device until the session duration times out, control is revoked by the end user, or the session is terminated by either the Admin or end user.
  3. To end the session, in the Session Toolbar click End Session.
    Image of Session Control in Silent Assist
  4. When prompted, click End Session and then click Exit.

  • While the Admin has control over the end user’s device and the remote session is active, the JumpCloud Remote Assist Session Details status page displays various details about the current session:
    • Admin: Displays the name of the Admin currently in control of your device. 
    • Remote Control: Displays whether the session is Active or Not Active.
    • Session Duration: Displays the amount of time the remote session has been active. 
    • Time Remaining: Displays the remaining time left until the Remote Assist session times out. 
  • The session duration is limited to 120 minutes after which it automatically terminates. This can be customized from the Settings > Features > Remote Assist section.

Use JumpCloud Remote Assist (Consent Prompt) – Admin

  1. Log in to the JumpCloud Admin Portal:
  2. Go to Device Management > Devices and click the Devices tab. 
  3. Select the device you want to provide remote assistance for, and click Actions.
  4. Click Launch Remote Assist.
    Image of Devices page with Launch Remote Assist highlighted


The devices in the device list are managed from the JumpCloud Portal.

  1. A new tab opens. Select the Live Assist (User Consent) remote assist connection type.
    Image of Remote Assist popup with Live Assist option selected.


Live Assist (User Consent) is the default connection type.

  1. Click Start Session. The remote connection to the Admin is established.
  2. After the session is established, request control of the end user’s device by clicking Request Control in the Admin session toolbar.
    Image of Remote Assist Session Toolbar


The Admin has control over the end user’s device until the session duration times out or the session is terminated by either the Admin or end user.

  1. After control is granted, select the monitor display you want to view. In the session toolbar, click Session Options, and then click Select Display.
    Image of Session Control window with Select Display Option highlighted.

  • Select Display lets you toggle your view between multi-monitor end user displays in the same session. 
  • For Linux, the Session Options menu is not supported.
  1. Perform the actions needed to resolve the user’s issue on the device.
  2. To end the session, click End Session and then confirm your selection. 

  • While the Admin has control over the end user’s device and the remote session is active, the JumpCloud Remote Assist Session Details status page displays various details about the current session:
    • Admin: Displays the name of the Admin currently in control of your device. 
    • Remote Control: Displays whether the session is Active or Not Active.
    • Session Duration: Displays the amount of time the remote session has been active. 
    • Time Remaining: Displays the remaining time left until the Remote Assist session times out. 
  • The session duration is limited to 120 minutes after which it automatically terminates. This can be customized from the Settings > Features > Remote Assist section.

Use JumpCloud Remote Assist (Consent Prompt) – End User (Mac & Windows)

  1. Wait for the Admin to initiate a remote session with your device.
  2. After establishing the remote connection, a pop up window automatically displays on your screen requesting permission for the Admin to connect to and control your device. Click Accept And Connect. To refuse the request, click Reject Request.
    Image of the Remote Assist Consent Prompt


The connection invitation expires after 3 minutes. If the end user does not join the session within that time, a new session must be initiated. 

  1. To revoke and retake control of your device during a live session, click Revoke Device.


This will revoke the Admin’s control of your keyboard and mouse and will not end the session. The screen will continue to be shared. This feature is useful if you need to perform an action or show the Admin something and then give back control. 

  1.  To end the session, click End Session.
    Image of Session Details End User window

Use JumpCloud Remote Assist (One-time Access Code) – Admin

  1. Log in to the JumpCloud Admin Portal:
  2. Go to Device Management > Devices and click the Devices tab. 
  3. Select the device you want to provide remote assistance for, and click Actions.
  4. Click Launch Remote Assist.

    Image of Devices page with Launch Remote Assist highlighted


The devices in the device list are managed from the JumpCloud Portal.

  1. A new tab opens and the Establishing remote connection screen displays. A new Session ID is generated and displayed. Copy the Session ID and send it securely to the end user so the user can use it to join the remote session. 

    Image of Remote Assist  Start Session window with one time code


The Session ID expires after 5 minutes. If the end user does not join the session within that time, a new one must be generated. 

  1. To request control from the remote user, click Request Remote Control on the Admin session toolbar. 
  2. Wait for the remote user to grant control to the device. 


The Admin has control over the end user’s device until the session duration times out or the session is terminated by either the Admin or end user.

  1. After control is granted, select the monitor display you want to view. In the session toolbar, click Session Options, and then click Select Display.
    Image of Session Control window with Select Display Option highlighted.


Select Display lets you toggle your view between multiple end-user monitor displays in the same session.

  1. Perform the actions needed to resolve the user’s issue on the device.
  2. To end the session, click End Session and then confirm your selection.

Use JumpCloud Remote Assist (One-time Access Code) – End User (Mac & Windows)

  1. Launch the JumpCloud Remote Assist application. 
  2. In the Name field, enter your name. 
  3. In the Session ID field, enter the Session ID provided by the Admin.

    Image of Remote Assist End User one time access code


If the app is idle for 3 minutes and no user interaction takes place, a closure timer will appear. The app will then automatically close after 30 seconds. You can choose to:

  • Keep the app running: If you intend to still join a session using one-time access code. 
  • Exit the app now: The app must be closed to allow incoming unattended or consent-based remote sessionsThis image displays the Remote Assisst Application Closure Dialog
  1. Click Connect. The remote connection to the Admin is established. 


Permissions must be granted for Screen Recording and Accessibility. Your app might need to restart after granting permissions.  

  1. Go to System Settings > Privacy & Security, and enable Screen Recording and Accessibility permissions for JumpCloud Remote Assist on your macOS device.


Depending on your OS version and MDM type, you might need to manually grant Remote Assist permissions for just Screen Recording, or both Screen Recording and Accessibility. For more information, see Enable Permissions for Remote Assist on MacOS.

  1. After establishing the remote connection, the Admin requests control of your device. In the Remote Device Control Request window, click Allow. To refuse the request, click Deny.
  2. To end the session, click End Session.

  • While the Admin has control over the end user’s device and the remote session is active, the JumpCloud Remote Assist Session Details status page displays various details about the current session:
    • Admin: Displays the name of the Admin currently in control of your device. 
    • Remote Control: Displays whether the session is Active or Not Active.
    • Session Duration: Displays the amount of time the remote session has been active. 
    • Time Remaining: Displays the remaining time left until the Remote Assist session times out. 
  • The session duration is limited to 120 minutes after which it automatically terminates. This can be customized from the Settings > Features > Remote Assist section.

Switch Monitor Displays

When you start a remote session with a device connected to multiple monitors, the session automatically defaults your view to the primary display. You can change your view to display any of the available remote monitors at any time during the session. 

To switch between monitors:

  1. In the session toolbar, click Session Options, then click Select Display.
  2. On the Select Display window, select the available monitor you want to view. 


The image thumbnails showing the available monitors and their current displays are automatically updated every time the user opens the display options.

Use Clipboard Sync

JumpCloud Remote Assist lets Admins and end users synchronize their clipboard contents, providing the ability to copy and paste image and text data to and from each other during an active session. 

Clipboard Sync supports the following browser version:

  • Safari version 13.1 and later
  • Chrome version 66 and later
  • Microsoft Edge 
  • Mozilla Firefox version 63 and later

To use the copy and paste clipboard synchronization feature:

  1. Enable Clipboard Sync on Safari:
    1. Clipboard access is enabled by default for Safari version 13.1 and later. 


Safari versions earlier than 13.1 do not support the Clipboard API and will not be able to use the clipboard for Remote Assist sessions.

  1. Enable clipboard sync on Chrome:
    1. In the Google Chrome browser address bar, click the lock icon and then click Site Settings.
    2. Under Privacy and Security, click the Clipboard menu option. 
    3. Click Allow
    4. Reload your browser page for the changes to take effect.
  1. Enable Clipboard Sync on Edge.
    1. In the Microsoft Edge browser address bar, click the lock icon and then click Site Settings.
    2. In the site settings, click the Clipboard menu option. 
    3. Click Allow
    4. Reload your browser page for the changes to take effect. 
  2. Enable Clipboard Sync on Firefox.
    1. In the Mozilla Firefox browser address bar, enter about:config.
    2. Click Accept the Risk and Continue
    3. In the Search preference name field:
      1. Enter and toggle it to true.
      2. Enter and toggle it to true
  3. Initiate an active Remote Assist session between an Admin and end user. 
  4. In the session toolbar, click Session Options, then toggle Clipboard Sync to turn it on. 
  5. Copy and paste image and text data between the Admin and end user as needed. 

  • The Clipboard Sync feature is toggled off by default. 
  • Users must grant clipboard access to Remote Assist on first use of this feature.
  1. Highlight and copy the selected information you want to save to the clipboard.

  • When the copied data is being transferred to the clipboard, do not navigate away from the current tab until you see the confirmation message “Text successfully copied to clipboard.”
  • If you are trying to transfer more than 8 MB of data to the clipboard, you will see the error message “You have exceeded the data transfer maximum. Clipboard data cannot exceed 8 MB.
  1. Wait for the confirmation message “Text successfully copied to clipboard.” The content is now successfully saved to your clipboard and you can paste it as needed. 
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